Last year I decided to make resolutions such as, "I will eat and gain weight." and "I will smoke a pack of cigarettes a day." and "I will not keep a schedule and continue to run on chaos."
My mad thoughts were that if experience proves to be correct - I'll break these resolutions like I always do and by today I'd be skinny, smoke free and have a little order in my daily routine.
That surely didn't happen. For the first time ever, I've kept all of my New Years Resolutions. Thus proving that it can be done.
This coming year is going to bring a lot of changes. Gon graduates from college this spring and at some point after that we will be packing up the old UHaul and moving back to New England. Squirt will start Kindergarten next September, I'll land a new job and we'll more than likely buy or build our first new home.
Basically this year's resolutions are going to have to prepare me for these many changes.
First on my list would be a schedule and routine. I'll have to buy an alarm clock and wear a watch. To my utmost horror my weekdays will certainly be dictated by school bells and time clocks. There has got to be a way to get more bang out of my 24hrs without being late or behind on everything.
Next would be stuff. George Carlin said it best:
If we're going to be moving 2100 miles away it's better to pack lightly. In other words it's time to clean house, ditch stuff, give away stuff and break things down to just the essential stuff.
Selling the house furnished with stuff sounds like a great idea. In the meantime I need to spend a few hours each week slowly getting things in simple order so I won't be overwhelmed with stuff when the time comes.
The last resolution will have to be going on a diet. Nothing fits right anymore and I feel funny. Plus, if I have to get a new job all of my nice office/business attire won't fit unless I shed some poundage. So, starting Wednesday - the diet begins. Exercising will commence also as I have a good hour or more after dropping Squirt off to Pre-K until I have to be at work on the weekdays.
That's it. Sure I can tackle quitting smoking and some other vices but they'll just have to stick around for a wee bit longer. I will, in time - lessen these as I start to feel better and more organized with self, time and stuff.
What are your resolutions? Will I have any diet buddies out there? Shout out.
That "Stuff" video clip is PRICELESS! I actually think about his comments when I'm flying and see all the "little covers for people's stuff on the ground below". Too true, isn't it??
I am so with you on the purging of the stuff even if I'm not moving. I cannot take it all anymore. Freecycle is a great thing - you might check into it. I've purged lots of "stuff" that way and it's amazing what others will take. LOL
Good luck with the fun of the coming year. :) Sounds like lots of adventures are in store for you and the family.
I wish you peace, health, joy and a new place for (a bit less of) your stuff!
I may not "diet" exactly while I'm breastfeeding but then again, yes, I guess I am. I'm trying to cut out more sugar and start exercising regularly again. That's the plan, in any case! (I've done exactly the opposite today so the plan will commence January 2!)
Good luck with the stuff. Before Betty and I moved to Neenah we tried to get rid of a lot of stuff. We gave to St. Viincent De Paul. We gave through free cycle. We had garage sales. We still hauled too much stuff. We are back to trying to get rid of it. I think it breeds on its own and multiplies. So good luck.
we dont make resolutions as such... but we do stop alcohol till our wedding anniversary in Feb... but if we manage to sell our house in the mean time we could break this...
hubby and I just made our yearly pact to not make any new year's resolutions. We don't need the stress.