Saturday, December 22, 2007
Margie Unplugged, New Toys
This Christmas I decided to do something a little different.... myself some electronics! Mr. Lappy the laptop arrived yesterday and my husband is still busy playing with it. Granted he's loading programs, drivers and other bells and whistles but I'm starting to think that maybe I should have bought him one too.

Of course, he can share it with me but I mainly bought it for something to do while at work caring for the IOH's. I'm even thinking about talking Mrs. IOH into blogging her own autobiography and I hope she goes for it. I've been trying to think of something to do that will occupy her mind and focus onto something tolerable for everyone. Remembering the past and what to have me write about - sounds like the plan so far. Plus - I really believe that someone born in 1917 has a lot of value in what they can share.

Then, of course my job won't last forever and I know that. Gon graduates college this May and I'm thinking of returning to college myself. I'll need Mr. Lappy then and may need it if I return to work doing the 9-5 someday.

I also snagged myself a new flat screen monitor for my desktop, a new keyboard, mouse and stereo system. What I really need is some new fashionable clothes, a haircut and some socks but no - it's high time I be landing some toys while I can. Although I did splurge on a spiffy ladies laptop bag, A nice purse if I say so myself even if it doesn't have a laptop in it but the kitchen sink instead.

All in all, I'm done. Done baking, knocked off the Southern Comfort Fruit cakes this afternoon. Done shopping for gifts, groceries and all in between. I'm off of work until Thursday morning and I'm staying in Pajama's and slippers only to shower and change into a fresh pair of Pajama's and slippers upon waking each morning.

I'm ready to start enjoying my new toys. Now if only I can kick my husband off of Mr. Lappy.


Stumble It! .......posted by Margaret @ 2:34 PM  
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