Saturday, December 22, 2007
The Bergermeister Meisterberger Files (Episode VI)
Don't think for a moment that a bright red toy can slip by unnoticed within the gates of Sombertown. It wasn't too very long ago when the Bergermeister declared a city wide epidemic on the flea carrying, red furred bubonic vermin that giggled, rolled on the streets laughing, danced the Hokey Pokey and behaved like a Chicken on the steps of the town's hall.

This morning it seems a new mutant version of the evil red vermin has manifested. A Rocking Elmo that encourages innocent children and adults to, "Crap Your Hands" to rock and roll tunes.

Bergermeister has put Sombertown under a state of emergency while the police, foot soldiers and town drunks are in full force to eradicate this terrorizing threat to humanity.

This product is hereby deemed unlawful
by the order of the Bergermeister
Anyone found shopping in stores or online for a
Crap Your Hands Elmo
Will be placed under arrest and flown
down to Guantanamo Bay!

Stumble It! .......posted by Margaret @ 2:35 PM  
  • At 9:16 AM, Blogger Carlos said…

    Crap your hands indeed! That's funny :-)

    Merry Christmas to you Margie!

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