Wednesday, November 15, 2006 |
The Dangers of Blogging turned Splogging |
Whenever there is something good a going, there are bound to be peeps out there willing to squish what they can out of things for their own profit or gain. A Twisted Bloggy Bud of mine, Doctor Chip had gone missing earlier this week. Turns out his URL was hacked and hijacked by a typical Good Thing Squasher to steal his blog traffic and direct visitors to go buy stuff from them. Thankfully, the Doctor was on the ball and was able to squash this hideous moocher right back. The good folks at Blogger pulled through and helped him out as well. (Now that is a promising and cheery thought.)
Anyhoo, we've all heard other nightmares of Blogging. From Pedophile stalkers to Peeps loosing their jobs over things they have blogged about. We should all know by now not to share personal information and to take precautions in other areas of concern. I'm not so worried over loosing a job, friends or anything by Blogging because it is in my character not to say anything aloud or in public writing that I wouldn't or haven't already said to the offending party in person. That's just me and if peeps like me they like me for the real me, if they don't then they don't. I'm old enough and experienced enough to know that sometimes Peeps won't like you. No need to try and win them over or anything. Just be yourself and true to yourself.
But what about using bad words in your blog? It's a free world and an expression of free speech. Peeps should be encouraged to blog their thoughts just as they are thinking them. F-bombs and all. Sometimes there are no other words to express your emotions. Hand gestures sometimes work but without a camera and you have the need to express it - just come on out and say it. It's okay. Or is it?
I found out personally last night that the Web Crawlers are out there watching. Granted I have some notion of the technology while using Google Adsense over there in the bottom of my right sidebar. Currently it is showing ads to me about eye care, glasses, etc. It picked up on my "Twitching Eye" post, crawled the words and decided to post ads about eyes and contact lenses. That's cool because I put Google Adsense there and gave them permission to do their thing.
Last night, however I ran a Blogger search on who links to my URL and was quite impressed as well as surprised. Turns out a Porno-site picked up some words on an July post of mine that included the words "sphincter" and "anal". Then snagged my post and URL through an RSS feed and plopped it on their little dirty page.
It bothers me. These Peeps are yet another group of Good Thing Squashers. Now I'll never be able to run for political office!! Can you just imagine the slam campaign my opponent would have a field day with?
"Margie's personal blog links to and endorses Anal Sex Frenzy. Do you really want her to represent you in Congress!"
Of course I'm just kidding and making light of it, but be careful. Too much attention may cause such Good Thing Squashers to run away with your URL and just maybe your reputation. |
Stumble It!
.......posted by Margaret @ 5:40 PM   |
And of course you realize that this post will further squash your political aspirations, ha,ha.. I do hear what you are saying though..
i'm 37 and as usual i feel like i'm 10..i'm shocked over all you wrote here..i had no idea and definetely never gave it much thought at all..
i blog to communicate and maintain the wonderful new frienships i have been blessed enough to make...not for all these weirdeness...
how terribly sad..and thanks honey, for the heads up..
i have no idea what if any i shoud do..i hope i can just keep on being weird me and stay out of trouble..
I hate good thing squishers! I kinda like my little blog so I have a little app I use to store the entire thing on my computer. So...if it gets whacked, I'll still have the memories ;-)
Anal frenzy? For shame! :-)
Hi - Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog last week as you passed through on Dr John's marathon. And thanks for the public service announcement about the porno site linking in to you. That's really useful to know. What a great way to get more links to your blog - just write a load of stuff about sphincters! Thanks for the tip, Margie.
The fact that you're linked to a porn site is funny stuff. Whats the chances?!
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And of course you realize that this post will further squash your political aspirations, ha,ha..
I do hear what you are saying though..