Sunday, May 07, 2006
The Yuppy Pony gets a bath!
Gon took Katie outside to play for a bit so I could straighten out a bit in the house. After tossing the laundry in, washing up breakfast dishes and other odds and ends - I stepped outside and witnessed a miracle!

The Yuppy Pony was getting a bath!

Great, but shucks... I have no "before" photos to share. A quick glance in the stuffed full "Curbie" and I found a Chinese food container with dehydrated Shrimp Fried Rice. There was at least 20 empty McDonalds cups and french fry containers. Cigarette Butts that were jammed packed into the ashtray sending off that vicious porcupine feel and effect.

My favorite thing of all was a "speeding ticket" lost and thus out of mind from 2 months ago.

Is Gon's drivers license still even valid by now? Suspended due to contempt? Eh, who cares at least the Yuppy Pony is clean even if he can't legally drive it at the moment. (What a ding-ding!)

Stumble It! .......posted by Margaret @ 2:38 PM  
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