Thursday, November 27, 2008
Issues to be Thankful For
I've been so blessed in so many ways and have so much to be thankful for on this Thanksgiving morning. My list includes the everyday usual blessings such as family, home, substance and friends. However this morning before anyone else awakens - I'm sitting here reflecting on times and matters not so usual. As odd as it seems, as odd as I am - in some strange point of view it is of these issues that I've come to embrace and bestow great thanks for.

There is an old Native American Proverb that asks; "Are you a victim of circumstances or are you a warrior over them?" This morning, I'm thankful for the strength, courage and foresight in refusing to be a victim.

I'm thankful for growing up in an abusive, dysfunctional family unit. Really, I am. Part of who I am today was molded by these circumstances. From the way that I communicate and work together with my husband to the way that I'm raising my one and only child. In all of the bad that has befallen me before, believe it or not there were some good intentions. Some great values that unfortunately were not communicated or expressed appropriately. I'm so thankful that I am able to see through this, get up and move far away from it and to have the strength and knowledge to not ever let it repeat itself.

I'm also grateful for the opportunity to meet the Grim Reaper face to face a time or two. Something about a near-death experience can sure change a person. I'm not afraid of death at all anymore, for my close calls with it got me off my behind and up and at 'em to start living. To take on challenges. To go ahead and try different things, places and meet other people. These times fired me up to get a life and to go out and make the most out of it. Although the circumstances are solemn and sorrowful - as I reflect this morning, they were blessings in disguise. Encouraging change and improving my life in the long run so greatly.

Lastly and maybe the strangest issue of all I am thankful for not ever being rich and swimming in mountains of money. Cliche' as it is, money does not buy health, life, happiness or even much comfort. Not having it has bought integrity, creativity and much more blessings than having it at all. Situations were experienced that even in the worse light I knew... I knew that somewhere someone was worse off that day than I was. Reminding me on how blessed I truly am.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone out there! May you find thanks in the usual as well as the extraordinary. Most of all, may you find peace and comfort in who you are, where you've come from and direction on where you are going.
Stumble It! .......posted by Margaret @ 8:15 AM  
  • At 8:42 AM, Blogger Lisa said…

    What a great post, Margie! It's all a matter of perspective, isn't it? I, too, am thankful for all the experiences I've had (good and not-so-good) that have helped make me who I am today.

    Sending you a steaming venti cup full of gingerbread latte and some love! :)


  • At 10:20 AM, Blogger krystyna said…

    This resonated with my soul. Thank you for writing and sharing!
    Thanks for this beautiful song!

    May you have a most beautiful and wonderful Thanksgiving Day!

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