Saturday, August 30, 2008
Look Daddy!
Teaching Squirt the notion of tolerance tempered by little girl manners has been challenging. I think we've been very successful in encouraging her to embrace human differences. Sharing with her how our differences makes each of us special and distinct.

We encourage her that it is appropriate to stand out, be heard, dare to be different and not follow the crowd. Allowing her the confidence to reach her arms up high and shout, "This is me and I love me!"

Mixing child rearing with the added importance of honesty. Giving our ears to her openness. Extending permission for her to be able to come to us with any question or concern. Warning her to always take into consideration the feelings of another in all that she says and does. Always trying our best as parents to live and breath the examples that we expect of our children.


Sending Jon to pick up a gallon of milk with Squirt tagging along for the ride can be just the right opportunity to wrack havoc on years of tolerance teaching. How was I to know that those two would run into a situation that Squirt has never encountered before?

One would think Jon being 6'4" tall would notice the supermarket's new employee bagging up his groceries at the end of the line. You know, Eagles nest views have great advantages. But no - it took Squirt, all 3'8" of her - to take notice and take matters to heart. She quickly ran over to the guy, gave him a great big bear hug and exclaimed hyper-joyously:

"Look Daddy! I found a little grown up. He's the same size as me!"

I don't know what got into my husband at that very moment. Maybe he was put off by the bag of Oreo cookies he picked up without permission with the milk. Perhaps it could be the fact that the Supermarket Savings Card looks a lot like our VISA. Could be a rogue gray squirrel ran up his left pant leg. But what does he do? His epic response?

He laughs his nutty head off! No, not just your friendly smiling snicker or polite chuckle of recognition. Not even a well adjusted laugh of maturity or the sense to quickly gain control of the situation. No, he sets off on a giggle fit!

From what our regular cashier told me this afternoon, Jon laughed so hard that his eyes welled up with tears. With bags of groceries in hand he stumbled as quickly as he could to get out of the store. Almost leaving poor Squirt behind as she sadly said bye-bye to her new found friend.

A friend whom she promptly introduced to me today as the little grown up person. Followed by a sincere, honest request if she could ask him to come over sometime so she can play with him.

What did I do?

ROTFLMFAO and about cracked a rib in the process.
Stumble It! .......posted by Margaret @ 8:54 PM  
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