Wednesday, March 28, 2007
The South Has the Sniffles From Pollen
A yellow haze of pollen descended on the Southeast in the past week, coating cars and porch furniture and making people miserable in one of the worst allergy seasons in years.

Atlanta's pollen count hit 5,499 particles per cubic meter of air Monday, the highest so far this season and the fourth highest in the 12 years that the Atlanta Allergy and Asthma Clinic has been keeping records. Keep in mind a reading of just 120 is considered extremely high in the Southeast.

If y'all have been wondering where I have been in the Blogosphere for the past week, there is your answer. I don't usually suffer from allergies of any sort, in fact I could roll around naked in Poison Ivy uninfected. Believe me, I tried it many years ago in hopes to get out of going to school for an entire week. It never worked.

The article above was being kind, in reality it is snowing snot down here in the south. Sweeping and blowing it off our porches and vehicles isn't working, only stirring up the terrible stuff and saturating the air we breath even further.

A few weeks ago I cleaned out our window fans for spring cleaning and as I write this blog post, they are caked with the terrible crud of this evil yellowish green snot particles. This is usually the time of the year when I can save a bit of money on our electric bill by opening up and airing out the home. Enjoying the breezes and smells of spring flowers. Allergies Smallergies - nothing ever bothers me.

I was wrong and it's time to close up the house and put on the Air conditioning. I can't stop crying, not because of emotion but because my eyelids can't wipe the pollen content off of my corneas quick enough. My throat is raw, my nose is sore and I itch all over as if I did roll around in Poison Ivy. Top this off with a running lo-grade fever and body aches - I'm a goner.

At least until we can get a good day or two of soaking rain to wash the air and pollen away. Hang in there, I'll be back to normal sometime - but for now, if I seem miserable or absent - know that I'm having some issues and trying not to overdose on Benedryl.
Stumble It! .......posted by Margaret @ 12:29 PM  
  • At 7:32 PM, Blogger Dr.John said…

    I'm glad I'm not there . I have so many allergies that I couldn't cut the grass. Pray for rain.

  • At 5:45 AM, Blogger Carlos said…

    We have a little pollen floating around in these parts too...noticed a bunch on my windshield yesterday. My allergies aren't bugging me, fortunately.

    Which reminds me...I need to call the doctor to find out the results of my allergy tests.

  • At 4:59 PM, Blogger Woozie said…

    Big amounts of pollen like that always reminded me of the powder at the bottom of the Kix cereal box.

  • At 9:55 PM, Blogger Rowan Dawn said…

    Yuck! I thought we had a lot of icky yellow pollen down here! I couldn't open the windows with out the floor getting coated in the stuff. I do have allergies, but amazingly, I AM NOT ALLERGIC to this stuff!!! I have allergies to stuff up in the mountains, and we do not live there anymore!! I was so ecstatic. But I think that if it was that thick, it would irritate anyone!

    So sorry!

  • At 4:49 AM, Blogger Deepak Gopi said…

    try turmeric and saygood bye to allergies :)

  • At 7:46 AM, Blogger MRL said…

    Miz Margie, so sorry for your allergy snot snow aliment. I have been there, doing that! You are taking the necessary precautions! I stay inside and put the a/c on. Hope you recover soon! Miss your posts! Hugs!

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