Sunday, February 04, 2007
Fast Food From the God Box: "Entertaining Angels"
Our Curbie-Can from Waste Management has a warning on it's lid, "Do NOT Roll With the Lid Open." While cleaning out our cars yesterday I felt this warning didn't apply to me and attempted to wheel the can over to my husband's car without first putting the lid up.

I ended up tripping on the hanging lid flap and ended up head first in the Garbage Can with my feet straight up in the air. The worse part wasn't over - for then I had to thrash myself back and forth trying to rock the can over on it's side so I could get out.

Thank heavens nobody saw what had happened. There is no embarrassing YouTube of the incident spreading over the internet like wildfire to ruin my future employment prospects. I'll never suffer the humility of being asked, "Hey, aren't you the girl who got owned by that trash can?"

However, according to my faith there must be a few Angels who have hurting sides this morning after laughing so hard yesterday. I'm sure that even God himself gave a chuckle or two. Jesus is often acquainted with being the Man of Many Sorrows but do we really know the Author of all Joy?

The ending of Ernest Lawrence Thayer's famous rhyme, "Casey at the Bat" describes the situation well:

"Oh, somewhere in the this favored land
the sun is shining bright;
The band is playing somewhere
and somewhere hearts are light;
And somewhere men are laughing;
and somewhere children shout,
But there is no joy in Mudville --
Mighty Casey has struck out."

Many people today are stuck in Mudville thinking that if only Casey slammed the ball out of the park, there would be laughter and rejoicing. If they could win the lotto or if they could land that next great job - then Mudville will become Joyville. Attaching all of their dreams and hopes on earthly events.

As a Christian I am joyful. Not because I am blind to injustice and suffering, but because I am convinced that these things are not ultimate. There has been many times in my life when I was sad, confused and angry but I have learned not to worry. The purpose of God is to bring all things in heaven and earth together into peace with great rejoicing.

Not to throw us all head first into trashcans.


Stumble It! .......posted by Margaret @ 12:58 PM  
  • At 8:28 PM, Blogger Dr.John said…

    I would like to have been there with a camera. Thanks for the faith comments.

  • At 12:43 AM, Blogger Deepak Gopi said…

    Anjels are enjoying

  • At 6:29 AM, Blogger krystyna said…

    Hi Margaret!
    Laughter is always good for the soul and body. Specially on Monday!
    Happy Monday!

  • At 7:48 AM, Blogger Judy said…

    I don't know how many times I've been grateful there weren't cameras around to record my general klutziness! And.. thanks for the reminder that joy consists of looking at things in perspective. :-)

  • At 8:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm glad you escaped the garbage can.
    How many times does this kind of thing have to happen to people before someone invents an escape hatch in the cans, ha,ha..
    You should start a campaign for safer garbage cans right away..

  • At 11:09 AM, Blogger Rowan Dawn said…

    That is so gross! You got ate by the trash can! That's funny.

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