Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Tinfoil Chef: Rednek K-so-dee-ahs!
Welcome to "Tinfoil Chef " where I'd like to feature healthy recipes for square meals on meager pockets. Today's recipe is brought to us by Practical Chick - a simple, easy and cheesy recipe for Quesadillas.


This is so simple... Ready?

Here's your grocery list...and yes, you can write it using lipstick and paper towel - after all...this is my quick, rednek version:

- Boneless, skinless chicken breast
- Cheddar cheese soup
- Taco sauce
- 10 flour tortillas
- Shredded cheddar

When you get home, put your chicken in a pot that you melted some butter in (or a skillet depending on how much you are making). Add what ever seasonings you want. Cook the chicken until it is done and chop it up. Add the soup (do not dilute it) and about half a cup (less if you want) of taco sauce. Mix it all up. Oh yeah, by now this should not be on hot stove.

Heat your oven to 350 and get your cookie sheet out...a cake pan works too. Warm up your tortillas by wrapping them in paper towel and microwaving them for a few seconds.

Add some of the chicken and cheese soup mix to a tortilla, add cheese, fold in half, and seal with a little water. Put it on the cookie sheet. Repeat until your cookie sheet is full. Bake them until the cheese is melted.

There you go. Rednek K-so-dee-ahs!


I tried this recipe the other evening and my only addition was to jazz 'em up by tossing some diced fresh tomato on top of the mixture before folding and baking them. Serving them with a dollop of sour cream really did the trick and we all loved them and will be sure to make this quick dish again. Yields 10 - 2 per serving. (5)

Total Cost: $5.97 approximately $1.19 cents per person (tomato and sour cream not included)
Prep Time: 20 minutes for stovetop -10 minutes oven/plate prep.
Dishes in Sink: Skillet, cookie sheet, spatula, wooden spoon, knife, spoon. Use Paper Plates!
Stumble It! .......posted by Margaret @ 9:14 AM  
  • At 12:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    mmm that looks really good... and wow so damn economical too.

  • At 6:00 PM, Blogger Dr.John said…

    At least they look good.

  • At 3:24 AM, Blogger Judy said…

    I'll definitely try this one. Looks yummy.

  • At 5:44 PM, Blogger maria said…

    Will send this recipe to my son.
    He's learning how to cook and
    love this kind of food.

    Thanks for posting it.

  • At 8:48 PM, Blogger -atomik kitten said…

    They ARE yummy. You have my thanks for posting it and my assurance that you will enjoy it. On another note, I'm in for dental hell tomorrow.

  • At 10:22 AM, Blogger MRL said…

    Margie, I have so many people in this family that love Ka-So-Dees.
    Receipe sounds great! I will give it a try.

    I posted my link to georgiapeachparcels
    on your site. My blogspot is new and pales by comparison to yours! How do you do all the photos and videos? You are so talented. Thanks for all your hard work to enlighten and entertain us in cyberspace.

    Millie (Peaches)

  • At 8:28 PM, Blogger Melli said…

    These sound pretty good -- I'll have to check the calorie/fat count on that cheese soup and see if this is feasible around HERE! Thanks!

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