Monday, September 25, 2006
Oprah Winfrey vs. Hillary Clinton in 2008?
Oprah is pissed because a retired school teacher Patrick Crowe has been unofficially campaigning for the First Lady of Daytime TV to be President for years.

Crowe believes Winfrey could bridge partisan lines with her charm. He also noted Winfrey's business acumen, widespread name recognition and reputation as a woman of compassion and determination. A spokeswoman for Harpo said that Winfrey has said she has no political aspirations and I find that a good thing and makes me actually side with Crowe even more!

Hillary not only has aspired, she has conspired and perspired clawing her way to the top. At this time I'll overlook the convenience of the entire Whitewater Pardon, but what is up with being Senator of the State of New York? Why didn't she represent her Southern Culture and run for office in her home state of Arkansas? It is because she lost focus on the little people. The blue collar workers and the majority of us who put our noses to the grind paycheck to paycheck. You know what would happen if a New York Yankee ran for Senate down in Arkansas?

"Well you ain't from around here. Are you?"

Now it isn't the fact that Hillary is a woman, Pro-Choice or anything like that. In fact her resume' of qualifications are quite impressive. A Business Woman, Investor, Pol and well studied in Law. That is what scares me, she is a Loophole Lawyer from the School of Defining the Word "Is". Quite frankly I'm tired of Loophole Lawyers and businessmen. Twisting, spinning and contorting the law to fit their immediate needs and who highly misrepresent and fail to defend the rights of common people.

Oprah doesn't do that shit. She is from around here, there and everywhere. She has successfully walked through the vices of racism, inequality, corporate inopportunity and has played the game of media Tiddlywinks. She still is all about the "People" and not just because this is her bread and butter. She goes out of her way to learn about a variety of different social positions and interests. She listens and encourages others to listen.

Next is their widespread name recognition. Unfortunately this does play a part in politics when so many vote on who they find familiarity with. Change your name to Kennedy or Bush and you'll probably win political office without doing much else. Therein is the pinch, I know Oprah Winfrey but do not know of any Oprahs or Winfreys to judge or guide my voting by. She is a self-made woman.

Hillary never dropped the Rodham and we all know she wasn't very quick to drop the Clinton name during Monicagate. Our Hollywood celebrities divorce for much less. I often wondered about that, why Hillary didn't kick ole' Slick Willy to the curb especially when this was reported not to be the first case of infidelity. So today, I'm left to believe this was also a political game of riding the name. She may be well qualified for such a position but I am certain that there are many other women in the Democratic party who are even more qualified. Only their names seem to slip my mind at the moment due to this whole entire name recognition thing.

Politically I would prefer other choices for President 2008, but if these two powerful women of different backgrounds were to face off politically, Oprah here would be my gal. She can appoint Hillary as Attorney General or something. Although Oprah has determination, gusto and balls when it comes to taking her stands, a bit of Hillary Hair on those balls would help her to better represent and give our nation back to it's people.

Until then I'll just sit back and anxiously await on who we will have to choose from in 2008.
Stumble It! .......posted by Margaret @ 11:13 AM  
  • At 5:13 PM, Blogger SJ said…

    Dr Phil for Vice President

  • At 6:22 PM, Blogger Woozie said…

    I heard Oprah thought her lawyers way overreacted to the Oprah for President thing.

  • At 7:25 PM, Blogger ela zawrat said…

    Yes, Oprah and Hilary! The world would change! Go girls! But, Oprah is not going for it :(
    Yet? :)

  • At 8:51 PM, Blogger drëâmè® said…

    I'm all for a female president, but this dude may need to back off a little. If she says she has no political interests, then she has no political interests.

    On the other hand, we must remember that anyone, ANYONE is better than Bush.

  • At 5:02 AM, Blogger Noushu says: said…

    hai margarat,
    yea! It is a good question?
    If a lady president will come to the position of US president, they can be do alot of things. anyway the time should come fastly to end the bush age.


  • At 5:04 AM, Blogger Noushu says: said…

    hai margarat,
    yea! It is a good question?
    If a lady president will come to the position of US president, they can be do alot of things. anyway the time should come fastly to end the bush age.


  • At 7:19 AM, Blogger -atomik kitten said…

    I wouldn't vote for either one of them. A woman that exploited child prostitutes and other unsavory things during the late eights and nineties or a woman I just cannot stand...

  • At 8:00 AM, Blogger High Power Rocketry said…

    Harpo wont run.

  • At 8:04 AM, Blogger Deepak Gopi said…

    If I had the right to vote I will defenitely vote for Oprah.
    ( I will tell you a secret;I have voted only once till this day.)

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