Sunday, August 13, 2006 |
The Sunday Loafer |
"A smile is a curve that can set things straight."
I was in a convenience store one day, standing in line behind a man paying for his groceries. When he was finished, the clerk sent him off with a cheery "Have a great day!"
To the clerk's surprise (and mine) the man exploded in anger. "This is one of the worst days of my life," he shouted. "How can I have a great day?" And with that he stormed out of the store.
I understand the man's frustration; I too have "bad" days over which I have no control. How can I have a great day, I ask myself, when it's beyond my control? Then I remember these words: "This is the day the Lord has made" (Psalm 118:24).
The Lord has made every day, and my Father will show Himself strong on my behalf today. He has control over everything in it - even the hard things that will come my way. All events have been screened through His wisdom and love, and they are opportunities for me to grow in faith. "His mercy endures forever" (v.1). "The Lord is on my side; I will not fear" (v.6).
Now, when people give me the parting admonition to have a great day, I reply, "That's beyond my control, but I can be grateful for whatever comes my way, and rejoice - for this is the day the Lord has made."
- David H. Roper |
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.......posted by Margaret @ 2:48 PM   |
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I hope the clerk didn't let Mr Grumpy ruin HIS day
We used to have a delightful picture in the kitchen of a child witha bowl of spaghetti on his head . The caption under the picture was " This is the day the Lord had made let us be glad and rejoice in it."
The plain truth is that most of us do not care about others feel. "Have a great day" has become a "customer service" logo. It's like "how are you, today" Do we really want to know? Most of us just answer "Fine" and go on our way. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all find a way to make some one we dont know smile, even for a minute?
i love wat u just said even if its a bad day
its a day to live many have not lived to see today
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