Wednesday, July 19, 2006 |
Volume Crankers |
While driving in my car there are songs played over the radio that either make me change the channel quickly or crank the volume to the max. Last week I did the channel changers and for this Thursday Thirteen I am going to play tribute to the songs that must be cranked up full blast!
1) Shook Me All Night Long, AC/DC. It's just as dangerous a driving song than any, in fact you can suffer lead foot just by listening to it. When it comes on the radio it must be cranked up so loudly that the windows shake.
2) Enter Sandman, Metallica. Yeah Baby, gotta crank it and lead foot it. After all we're off to Never Never land with this awesome tune.
3) Time, Pink Floyd. It starts out slow, tick-tocking as you obey the speed limit but somehow and in some way during the song you glance down at your speedometer and realize you buried the needle. The flashing red lights in your rear-view mirror will attest to that.
4) Blinded by the Light, Manfred Mann. What can I say it's got to be loud so your passengers don't realize you may mess up the lyrics. Then when the song gets to the Chopsticks riff - who can stop themselves from banging out the notes upon your dashboard turned air keyboard?
5) Son of a Bitch, Nazareth. Great cranker song while driving through traffic hell during rush hour. Guaranteed to frighten old ladies off the roadways.
6) Nobody, Skindred. This isn't my crank-it song, but the husbands. They play it on his XBox driving game "MX vs ATV" and now play it on the radio frequently. Let's just say I don't like to be in the passenger's seat when this song comes on and Gon is driving. I seriously shake in fear wondering if "we will get out alive."
7) Down with the Sickness, Disturbed. A disturbing volume cranker but a volume cranker nonetheless.
8) Twisted Transister, Korn. A relatively new song on the radio which lyrics in the first verse say, "Turn it up, Turn it up!" So you do and it grows on you.
9) Y.M.C.A., Village People. Sorry it's the gayest song that I know but it's a sure flashback in time and I gotta crank it, even if only to embarrass the passengers in my car.
10) Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy, Big 'n Rich. I can't leave out some country tuneage especially this one a sure cranker upper as of late.
11) In the Air Tonight, Phil Collins. Now here is a song I won't even turn down if the police pull me over. They will just have to wait until the song is finished before I hand over my license and registration.
12) Atomic Dog, George Clinton. It's Funkadelic and I absolutely love it! "Why must I feel like that, why must I chase the cat, Ruff! Ruff!" Oh yeah baby, a sure cranker upper that can rattle my hubcaps anyday..
13) Closer to Fine, Indigo Girls. It may not be jamming, it may not be funky, but it is my favorite chick-flicking song and I just love it, gotta crank it.. that's all there is to it.
Have a great Thursday! |
Stumble It!
.......posted by Margaret @ 5:23 PM   |
i agree completely on #1, 2, & 3, though the rest are good too.
i've posted 13 too at
Excellent list! Happy TT!!
even my fiance who doesn't like country likes to turn up save a horse, ride a's so addicting!
ahhh how I remember days of #5, even some of the others....but number that one had some meaning when we screamed it outloud! lol
WOW! Cracked me up to see George Clinton on your list! I love #s 1, 4, 9 & 12 myself!
My 13 are up ;-)
Oh I just got stereo head phones! This is awesome!! Yes!
I got mine up early for once!
I'm not so in to music right now...rednecks are more my thing. ROTFLOL
Entersandman! Classic! Love it
Happy TT
Honestly I'm not too keen with titles of songs. I recognize songs when I hear it. My T13 is up too and hope you'll enjoy the tour.
Great. Now I can't get "Enter Sandman" outta my head. That really needs to be replaced with "Mr. Sandman" ;) My 13 are up!
Great list! Crank it up! My TT is up!
I listen to talk show so much, I've lost out on most music - that is, unless I have my grandchildren in the car with me.
My TT is up
im with you on chick flicking songs! my 13's up!
one morning i was driving to work listening to the local radio station - which was playing YMCA. I was doing the YMCA dance in my car at a stoplight. Looked over, and the car next to me, the guy was doing the dance too. We laughed!
Isn't it great how a song can totally change your mood? There you are trapped in traffic and a song comes on that you love and all of a sudden you are in your own little studio...
Fun list:-)
Great list. I love the Indigo Girls!
#5!!! Love it....and love your little added note for it also.
Happy Thursday
2, 3, 5, 8, and 10
You totally rea my mind, I could definantly add:
coming undone and freak on a leash - korn
Sad but True - Meatllica
Beautiful People - Marylin Manson
and last but not least
Crazy B!*ch - Buck Cherry
Wrongblog's TT is up!
Several really good ones on here, but I must comment on #11. I've always loved that song and still do the most childish impersonation of an air drum routine in the middle part. Even while driving :)
Have a great Thursday, mine are up too...
11...13...1 are my pics. No one ever accused me of being consistent! Great list!
I like Big N Rich...and that song is just hilarious! My TT is up!
That list is so true... I could drive for hours with those songs playing especally phil collins, and YMCA! I mean have you ever met a person who didn't know the YMCA?
that is a great eclectic list there!
Mine is up!
Great list! We had an outing at work and many of us ended up the bar. We put YMCA on the jukebox and danced away to it. It's a oldie but a goody. ;)
Oh, yes, lots of fav's there!! Metallica was my first concert ever! Manfred Mann is on my artist list for XM. It notifies me each time there is a song by them on. I saw Disturbed at Ozzfest a few years ago and fell in love with them!!
Ah man! Now I have to go searching for a copy of Atomic Dog. I love that song! It's been SO long since I've heard it.
4,9,10,11...crank up the volume! Great list!
Yes X 13. Awesome list. I love them all. Time by Pink Floyd has the most memories for me. I could listen to that song with my ear phones on for hours. It was so awesome, it still is. My kids like it also. When I hear those songs, I have to crank it up and start singing. Wow, what a trip down memory lane. Thanks for sharing.
Toodles, Maryanne
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i agree completely on #1, 2, & 3, though the rest are good too.
i've posted 13 too at