I promised my homeys before the move to Georgia that I would never, ever be a turncoat. I will always remain a Philly Phan through thick and thin and in good times and in bad. This extends to all of the Philly teams from the Eagles, Sixers, Flyers and the Phillies.
It's been tough, especially since the first two years when I moved down here when I found out that a handful of players traded up and joined the rival Atlanta Braves. Then along came a Baseball strike which really burned my buttons and I stopped watching any ball games for a few years after that. I've kept score. Read the stats in the sports page and have been watching and waiting for another victory.
This morning I see that we're one more win to the World Series!! I'm hopping with joy! I vow to uproot my closets and yank out all of my Philly memorabilia. From my jersey, jacket, hat - the entire ensemble and I'm gonna wear it! Dare to wear it that is for if ever there was a rival between ball teams - Philadelphia and Atlanta are historic enemies.
YouTube is lacking this morning, for they don't even have the 1993 brawl available, but you betcha I have it on videotape right here!
I'll be watching the next game half off my chair and hopping up and down. Go Phillies! Go Phillies!
What's also funny, a few years back the Philadelphia Eagles made the Super Bowl and were up against Jon's favorite team which finally made the Super Bowl. The New England Patriots. The Eagles got whooped on that game and I lost a pretty interesting bet. This time around, it would be interesting to see Jon's Red Sox go at it with the Phils... and you betcha - I'm gonna have a lot riding on it!.
UPDATE 10/16/08: We Won! Go Phillies!! World Series 2008 here we come!!!!
When the Brewers lost I quit paying attention. Glad your happy.