Friday, October 10, 2008
Auntie Em! Auntie Em!
Last night as I lay sleeping in my soft bed,
I opened the window above my head.
The cool autumn breezes blew down to my feets,
While Jon and I snuggled between the crisp sheets.

Sometime late in the night the wind started to roar.
A splash of cold water set my feet on the floor.
Quickly I shut the window and dashed to the pot,
Unexpected wet and cold makes a gal pee a lot.

As I sat down to tickle something started to pour,
Whatever it was - was right behind the next door.
As I opened the door and turned on the light,
Right there before me was a sight full of fright.

The overhead light went out with a pop,
For there was water running through it onto my laptop!
I ran and I dashed, the ceiling splish-splashed,
Screaming to Jon, "Get out here! Now! Fast!"

A five minute storm, the roof ripped in shreds,
Jon and I stood there just shaking our heads.
"What's our deductable?"
"$250", I said.
With a sigh of relief we crawled back to bed.
Stumble It! .......posted by Margaret @ 10:09 PM  
  • At 6:55 AM, Blogger Evil Transport Lady said…

    Shit! That sucks!

  • At 7:23 AM, Blogger Me said…

    Fitting poem, fitting pictures.

    And yes, that does indeed suck. Muchly so!

  • At 7:13 PM, Blogger Dr.John said…

    Well that poem makes the best of a bad event.

  • At 6:02 AM, Blogger Carlos said…

    Holy cow! I can't believe I missed this post! I'm glad everything worked out Margie.

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