Wednesday, September 17, 2008 |
The Political Caption Game |
Here's a fun photo I've found a little over a week ago and couldn't help but wonder what was being said. Flyinfox over at The Hurt Locker has a great little caption game going on over at the Hurt Locker. So if he doesn't mind, I'm going to steal some rules to the game.
1) Take a really good look at this picture. 2) Pick a character, any character and give him/her a voice. 3) Lastly, have fun with it!!
Here's mine:
Piper Palen: "But Mom! I really, really, really have to go pee!" |
Stumble It!
.......posted by Margaret @ 6:43 PM |
The child said,"Mommy there's a bear behind you."
Thanks for the kudos babe! (As Flyinfox wipes a tear of joy from his eyes). Of course you know, I can't let this one go without something sick, twisted, perverted and just a smidgen to the left, can't I? Here it is....
McCain to someone offstage:
"See, I told you Piper's underground child porn ring would work! That's another cool million to my campaign! Ka-ching!!!"
"Honey, what have I told you about standing near anything phallic? Get away from Mr. McCain's microphone!"
That is a great pic! Anyway, I would love for your blog to be a part of – the world’s first blog-to-film competition. It’s free! All u do is link this blog to for a chance to win 2,000!
– Kimberly (co-creator)
p.s. if you also have a video blog, we just launched
Don't look now but the liberals have launched another hate campaign aimed at your mother.
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The child said,"Mommy there's a bear behind you."