Thursday, April 10, 2008
I have a day off! I have a day off!
Technically, I'm off from work today but still gotta work here at home to catch up on a zillion matters that are piling up all over the place. Either way, I'm copping a squat and sitting here at my computer to slap in a blog post. Now where did I leave off?

The trip to NJ for my Grandfather's funeral went very well and the service lovely. Returning home went not so well as it seems one of the care takers had quit while I was away. I also went in to work Friday to find Mrs. IOH in a state of delirium. Urinary tract infections and pain tend to do that to a frail elderly person. Caring for a delirious patient can be frustrating and it sure takes a lot of patience.

Patience is a virtue that many people tell me that I have. I'm told I'm a people person also, but I always brush that away. Not out of humbleness - but in all honesty, I don't believe that I am a patient people person. Of course, I appear to be just that but if you only knew the thoughts bouncing around inside of my head at times.

We're moving across town on May 1st, into a house 10 sizes too big. It is furnished, so there goes half the battle in moving and packing. However, as I look on my desktop now I'm seeing a bunch of stuff that I do not know how it got there. How it even came into this house. Where, o where, may I ask - does all this junk come from?

I can either have a huge yard sale in the next few weeks or rent a small dumpster. Sadly, I think I'm going to rent the dumpster. I'm sure there is value in some of this junk and someone will find something to be a treasure - but sadly, I just want to be free of it all as quick and easy as possible. Let the Gypsies have a field day down at the dump.

But now, for today - my day off - it would probably be smart to get our income taxes done and ready to be sent out. Since I won't have a day off until next Thursday, April 15th will bite me in the ass before then.

....or maybe I'll just take a lazy nap and give them to H & R Block to do.
Stumble It! .......posted by Margaret @ 3:27 PM  
  • At 6:14 PM, Blogger Dr.John said…

    Go! Do the taxes.

  • At 11:33 PM, Blogger bettygram said…

    I am beginning, after all these years that it is better to get what needs doing done. It takes off the worry.

  • At 2:54 AM, Blogger Deepak Gopi said…

    Hi Margie:)
    How are you and family?
    Why these governments are taxing people.I am against it.
    We celebrate our new year on Apr 14.
    It is called vishu.Happy vishu to you and family.

  • At 11:30 AM, Blogger Deech said…

    Even with a day off it still sounds like you will be busy. Here is wishing the best for you and your family.


  • At 2:51 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    By all means do those nasty taxes. Grumble...And to think my wedding anniversary is on the 15th- what were we thinking?! Hope you get some time to relax. Keep up the good work with those patients.

  • At 7:16 AM, Blogger Woozie said…

    A woman with a day off? What has this society come to??!?!

  • At 8:52 AM, Blogger Judy said…

    Checking in. Sister, I know what you mean about being busy. You can see how long it's been since I've been here! Will your phone number stay the same, or will it be changing as well? Email me and let me know. HOPEFULLY, one of these days we're going to have the chance to make it to Savannah... sigh. Hey... y'all plan on coming to Mossy Creek in October. Check out what it was like on Sunday when we went... on my blog.

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