Sunday, March 23, 2008
Welcome home.
Have you ever had the opportunity to help a person kiss or embrace someone that they love?

Mrs. IOH came home from the Nursing Home last night. She's been there for a few weeks rehabilitating from her broken hip and surgery. She was so glad to be home, despite the bumping and crashing of the EMS transport team that brought her home. She was joking about it and finally settled down and was ready to see her husband.

Mr. IOH was watching TV in another room. He had been looking forward to her coming home all week and especially all day. The Hospice bath lady came out earlier and we helped him get handsome'fied. We combed his hair just right, put his teeth in and even gave him a spritz of his Old Spice so he can put on the charm to his wife of 60 years.

I wheeled him in to see her and the entire room lit up. He grabbed her hand and must have kissed it 20 times. His voice was barely audible as he had somewhat of a sore throat the day before but he was clearly saying he loved and missed her. He tried to stand up, but couldn't for he's been so weak lately. I helped him up anyway so he could lean over and kiss his beautiful wife upon her forehead.

Then he sat down and they held hands for a good 20 minutes. They were so happy to be home together again. Then soon it was time to get ready for bed.

Off each went into their separate rooms. The Flintstone single beds setup wouldn't work, for the newly needed hospital beds they required were both too wide and long to comfortably fit in a shared room. Mrs. IOH settled into her nighttime routine and bed first. Soon falling asleep soundly, happy to be back home in her own bed.

Mr. IOH came next. The usual routine. Bathroom, teeth, wash face and hands and soon off with the slippers and jumping in the sack. He said his prayers and as always prayed for the health and welfare of his wife and daughter. As usual never for a moment, thinking to pray for himself.

As the head of his hospital bed went down, while he was being tucked into the covers - he fell asleep quickly. Perhaps a little too quickly, for just in that very moment - Heaven had opened and called Mr. IOH home.

God bless him. Here I thought I was helping him to welcome his lovely wife home. Never in a million years imagining I was helping him to kiss her goodbye.

Welcome Home, Joe. Welcome Home.
Stumble It! .......posted by Margaret @ 1:07 AM  
  • At 3:02 AM, Blogger Deepak Gopi said…

    Hi Margie
    Happy easter to you and family.

  • At 3:29 AM, Blogger Louisiana said…

    hearts like yours help many in many different ways.

    Happy Easter to you beautiful and to all yours.

  • At 8:31 AM, Blogger Me said…

    Well, I certainly didn't expect that. Beautiful send off. And wedded for 60 years, thats just amazing.

  • At 6:31 PM, Blogger Carlos said…

    What a sweet, sweet post. What a special woman you are. If I was the sappy sort, my eyes would tear up a little. Oh, wait. I am. Dang. You've found me out.

  • At 7:10 AM, Blogger Woozie said…

    Sixty years is no ordinary accomplishment, they've got something to be proud of. How's she holding up?

  • At 11:17 AM, Blogger Lone Grey Squirrel said…

    I posted earlier but it has disappeared into the twilight zone.

    Anyway, I wanted to say that this was a touching story and I wanted to thank you for being a part of their lives. Also, I hope Mrs. IOH is well as it must be quite a shock for her.

  • At 12:56 PM, Blogger Dr.John said…

    My glasses have gone and gotten all foggy. What a sweet story. How fortunate you were to be part of it. How fortunate they were to have you.

  • At 1:16 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    What a dear couple. And you helped them share the end. Angel girl- thanks for helping them.

  • At 4:17 PM, Blogger Deech said…

    Wow! That brought a tear to the eye! Hope your Easter was a good one Margie!


  • At 12:38 AM, Blogger bettygram said…

    A beautiful story of love. I am praying for her comfort in her loss.

  • At 10:57 AM, Blogger High Power Rocketry said…

    Very nice, very bitter-sweet.

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