Friday, October 13, 2006
Ghetto Fabulous!
I love to party, always had and always will. Themed parties have always been the most memorable and highlighted times of my past. From Pajama Parties, costume parties, Toga parties and heck I am even old enough to have dressed up in 1976 in colonial garb for America's 200th birthday party.

Packed away in my closet are a variety of costumes to fit almost every party genre'. A pink poodle skirt and saddle shoes are always a big hit when someone throws a 50's party. Recently, New Wave '80's Parties have been in big demand. Not a problem at all because a good half of my wardrobe is so outdated I am sure I have a pair of high waisted Jordache Jeans, leg warmers and a variety of Miami Vice garb hanging up on hangers. Big Hair? Not a problem either as all I would need is a bit of hair gel and a hair dryer. I may even still have my Madonna funnel brassiere in there someplace.

Recently a group of first-year law students at the University of Texas at Austin threw a "Ghetto Fabulous" themed costume party and some Peeps are all up in arms about it. Calling it racially insensitive because partygoers carried 40-ouncers, wore huge Afro wigs, necklaces with big fat medallions and their ballcaps on backwards.

Sounds like a hip and fun party to me and I don't find it racist or inappropriate. If the black law students threw a "Gated Community Themed Garden Club Party" ain't nobody gonna go. Just the sound of it screams boring and lame.

I can also guarantee that the local white folks won't piss a fit over it either. There would be no front page headlines that read, "They're picking on us in a negative way" or "They're raining down on our social climate."

In fact, I bet Miss Sophia Lecky and her Thurgood Marshall Legal Society are only pissing fits because either they weren't invited to the Ho-Down or the party conflicted with their long anticipated tickets to see Barry Manilow in concert.
Stumble It! .......posted by Margaret @ 12:00 PM  
  • At 12:40 PM, Blogger -atomik kitten said…

    WHat a bunch of party poopers wanting to get upset over this...

  • At 2:00 PM, Blogger Butchie said…

    Ghettos are defined by income (or lack thereof), not race.

  • At 9:56 PM, Blogger Melli said…

    Awwwww... you hit this one right on the money! Tis sad!

  • At 10:39 PM, Blogger Jo said…

    Flava Flav! Isn't that who that is? My husband watches his "reality" show. Unbelievable that he is even a celebrity. I know I'm off topic....

    True that ghettos are defined by income and not by race. Then why do people wear Afros at a Ghetto Fabulous party? On the other hand, it could be fun to have a Trailor Trash party and see how everyone dresses.

  • At 8:34 PM, Blogger Margaret said…

    @Richard: Done. Wish you well.

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