Saturday, July 22, 2006 |
Under penalty of law do not remove this tag! |
Katie has recently discovered that everything seems to have "tickets" attached to it. It all started this morning when she noticed my blouse care tag was sticking out the back. "Momma, you have a ticket!" she exclaimed joyfully.
I'll be honest, at first I didn't have a clue what she was talking about until she drug out her entire collection of stuffed animals and beanie babies (trust me, there are a LOT of these) just to show me they all had tickets stuck to their butts.
Her joy didn't end there, no siree - off she went exploring to find that all of her clothes had tickets! Strewing them all around her bedroom while ransacking her entire wardrobe. As if that wasn't bad enough, while I got busy to folding and putting her clothes back where they belong, she was off in our bedroom ransacking our dressers.
Lunch time came and went, thankfully with out the mention of the dreaded ticket conspiracy. That is, until she was laying on the sofa watching a movie and noticed the throw pillows had tickets too! Then off she went to un-make the beds, explore all the pillows and linen closets. Leaving no ticket undiscovered.
From table-clothes, pillowcases, curtains, towels, throw rugs and even the fuzzy toilet lid cover all adorned a ticket. Just when I thought I seen it all she runs off chasing one of our Basset Hounds. "Stop!" I shouted as she chased the poor dog down, "Wigglies doesn't have a ticket. I promise!"
"See Momma, Look!" she pointed and Lord have mercy, the Bandanna around Wigglies neck had a ticket too. Penalty of Law or not, they're going to just have to arrest me. The scissors are coming out when Katie takes a nap this afternoon. (100) |
Stumble It!
.......posted by Margaret @ 3:02 PM   |