Thursday, May 18, 2006
They're trying to bowl you over
Dear Margie Mix "My husband is deployed and his friends keep telling me that he has been cheating on me. I don't know what to do about this. I love him and I believe he does love me but when so many guys tell me this is really bothers me. What should I do?" - Michelle in TX

Michelle in Texas? Here's a tip, join a bowling league once a week and keep yourself busy and entertained. There should be an alley near the base. Go sign up for a summer league. Trust me on this one! You need to hang out with "family oriented" military families and see how things really are and go down.

Honey, your husband's so called friends are just saying this to you because they want you. I'm serious, think about it. If they were true friends to your husband would they go and rat him out to his wife while he was away serving our country? Good Buddies keep such secrets and they don't hit on a friend's wife.

Start hanging out with a better, family oriented and ethical crowd. These guys are losers. Trust me on this one. Your husband is true unless he tells you otherwise. Keep having faith in him, especially at a time when he needs it the most. Stand by your man, Girlfriend! -Mix

(PS: At the bowling alley, look for an old lady with 10 kids named Michele. Stick your tongue at her and tell her Margie Mix sent you. She'll set you straight.)
Stumble It! .......posted by Margaret @ 10:46 PM  
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