Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Tampons of Terror
When you live in a Trailer Park it is wise to fit in. Ride the tide or go with the flow, so to say. There is no need to stick out nor stick your nose up pretending you're too good to live there. This means no driving a Lexus or spending bookoo amounts of money on lawn and garden decorations.

Especially during Halloween when it is completely appropriate to Toilet Paper your own place to get into the spirit of the holiday. Simply string your Charmin up with last year's Christmas Lights that are still up.

So far nobody in the Trailer Park has a clue about my incontinent Whoo Hoo Ghosts. If and when they do, at least they'll have themselves a good old fashioned belly laugh.

Martha Stewart, eat your heart out - it's time for me to get crafty again. Thanks to Tampax, Elmer's Glue and a pack of googly eyes Halloween is about to get even more spectacular around here.

If I run out of treats, produce and canned goods again come this October 31st - I can simply throw one of these in the little goblin's treat bags.

Squirt can bring a few dozen of each to her Pre-School Halloween party next week. Although, I highly suspect a phone call from the Principal's office.

For directions on how to make these Spooky and other delightful decorations visit Tampon Crafts for any time of the month.

(A big shout out to Judy for alerting me of this marvelous notion.)
Stumble It! .......posted by Margaret @ 10:28 AM  
  • At 4:25 AM, Blogger Me said…

    I think the tampon one is awesome. Would never have guessed, really.

  • At 5:34 AM, Blogger Carlos said…

    lol...you are so bad Margie. That tampon ghost is hilarious! Where the hell did you find that site? :-)

  • At 9:09 AM, Blogger Dr.John said…

    Some people can do crafts and some people can. You can. I wonder iif Betty could work a tampon into our mountain.Then we could call it the Cliffs of Tampoon"

  • At 11:50 AM, Blogger bettygram said…

    That was agreat use of a tampon

  • At 2:38 PM, Blogger Deech said…

    At least they are absorbent. Bad weather should not affect them much. But do take pictures if they do get soaked...I bet they would be even funnier wet!


  • At 8:44 AM, Blogger LoryKC said…

    I won't look at a tampon the same again!
    Those are great!

  • At 9:10 AM, Blogger doctor chip said…

    why, I visit Tampon Crafts frequently.

    it's TRUE!




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