Thursday, September 20, 2007 |
Human Hypochondriac Case of West Nile Found in County |
By all means, I'm not a hypochondriac. In fact, the complete opposite as I tend to deny any illness, by masking it with OTC meds, prayer, OD'ing on vitamins and OJ and outright refusing to let anything get me down.
Unless you're the Peg Bundy type, any Mom will attest there is no such notion as down time. The difference between the mythical Bigfoot and myself? Sasquatch has not a single good excuse for not shaving his legs.
So after reading this mornings article on a reported case of human West Nile Virus in our county, I wanted to know what are the symptoms of this disease. The CDC reports that WNV can be asymptomatic (no symptoms). In mild cases:
"It is estimated that about 20% of people who become infected with WNV will develop West Nile fever. Symptoms include fever, headache, tiredness, and body aches, occasionally with a skin rash and swollen lymph glands. While the illness can be as short as a few days, even healthy people have reported being sick for several weeks."
Oddly for the last few weeks my husband has noted that I've been "hot". Unfortunately, he didn't mean hot as in sexy but hot as in, "are you about to spontaneously combust or something?" He kicks me out of bed as I toss and turn each night, with me simply figuring that "Hot flash" years are quickly approaching.
Tiredness? That has got to be normal, I toss and turn all night and run ragged all day. Headaches/stiff neck just means I need more caffeine or another pillow.
Skin rash is also normal as I break out to almost anything. Could be those fire ants, mosquitoes, the new soap, shampoo or that lavender fresh Bounce sheet. In fact, I could even chalk a rash up to razor burn since I finally found the time to shave without running out of hot water.
Top that off with a chronic cough overlooked by a pack of Marlboro 100's per day. Then sprinkle with Pre-K communicable cold brought home to family per week statistics - You'll have the perfect, healthy image of moi'.
Or do you have an unreported case of West Nile Virus?
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.......posted by Margaret @ 11:41 AM   |
When I was in Trout Creek we had a young girl die of a virus. The symptoms the health department put out were so vague that half the community rushed to doctors sure they had it.My doctor said " If your not dead in twenty four hours you don't have it".
I'm hot all the damn time, sweating like a pig. Then again, I am 320 pounds of fat rolls and fun!
Or maybe I have West Nile....
Hope you feel better soon Margie.
Sounds like a summer cold to me. Go to get checked out just in case. Try (key word, I know) to take it easy and get better.
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When I was in Trout Creek we had a young girl die of a virus. The symptoms the health department put out were so vague that half the community rushed to doctors sure they had it.My doctor said " If your not dead in twenty four hours you don't have it".