Friday, March 09, 2007
Margie Unplugged - "Three Little Words"
There are many things that I could use three of this morning: Three of me, three arms, three extra hours in a day, three more hours of sleep, three more days of pay in a week and three more cups of coffee.

I'll stop complaining for there are many things that I wish I didn't have three of this morning: Three more loads of laundry, three more meals to cook, three more errands to run, three more pets to feed or three more trips to the bathroom.

What can I say except, that I have it all! (Including three kittens under our porch.)

Many people have asked why do I clean houses and take care of elderly people at home when I have a college education. Why take on extra loads of laundry, extra meals to cook and extra errands to run?

Well for starters the sole proprietor pay is good and it enables me to have extra time for my own family and home. It is kinda cool to be appreciated as the extra person, extra arm and the one that allows those who work nine to five to come home and relax with their families. I love shocking my families and getting those phone calls that say "Thank you!" after I go the extra mile and see something needs doing and do it.

Then there are the appreciation gifts that make me feel a little guilty. My elderly customers gave me an extra $400 check this past week with a note on the memo reading, "Appreciation." I didn't want to accept it but they made me. I talked to my husband about it afterward and he says that I shouldn't feel guilty about it. But I can't help it - for some reason it feels so wrong accepting payment for something that I love to do so much that I'd do it for free.

You know, I think I found the answer to the age old question that has been eating at me for the last 39 1/2 years.

"What do you wanna be when you grow up?"

My answer, "Appreciated for doing something that I love so much that I'd do it three times a day for FREE."


A delightful easy meme borrowed from Melli, the Queen of finding all of the good memes!

The rules are simple.
Answer each question in... can you guess?
Three words!
No more, no less.

01. Where is your cell phone? In my car.
02. Boyfriend/girlfriend? What about them?
03. Hair? On my chin.
04. Your mother? Is very sweet.
05. Your father? Archie Bunker's twin.
06. Your favorite item(s)? Sniffs good stuffs.
07. Your dream last night? Having FIVE children!
08. Your favorite drink? Frangelico in Lemonade.
09. Your dream guy/girl? Is right here.
10. The room you are in? The dining room.
11. Your fear? Rush hour traffic.
12. What do you want to be in 10 years? A mad scientist.
13. Who did you hang out with last night? Husband and daughter.
14. What are you not? Diaper wearing astronaut.
15. Are you in love? I oooze love.
16. One of your wish list items? Two Bedroom Cottage.
17. What time is it? Eight fifty-six
18. The last thing you did? Pour my coffee.
19. What are you wearing? Nightgown, wedding ring.
20. Your favorite book? The Good Earth.
21. The last thing you ate? A powdered doughnut.
22. Your life? Busy yet enjoyable.
23. Your mood? Jolly and mellow.
24. Your friends? Are very rare.
25. What are you thinking about right now? Thankful it's Friday.
26. Your car? Hyundai Santa Fe.
27. What are you doing at this moment? Admiring nude husband.
28. Your summer? Hot and humid.
29. Your relationship status? Married with child.
30. What is on your TV screen? Sesame Street, Elmo.
31. When is the last time you laughed? Few moments ago.
32. Last time you cried? Happy tears, Monday.
33. School? I loved it.


Today is "Do You Have Issues" one year anniversary!


Stumble It! .......posted by Margaret @ 11:22 AM  
  • At 5:52 PM, Blogger Melli said…

    Sounds like you and I have a little bit in common! My husband says I'm a "wannabe philanthropist" and a professional volunteer! (and both drive him crazy!) I am MUCH happier giving my time away than I EVER am earning a buck!

    You did great on the 3 word meme -- good luck with that mad scientist job! (actually... just wait - you'll probably make it! As soon as the princess gets involved in Science Fair!!!) ;)

  • At 5:54 PM, Blogger Jayne d'Arcy said…

    Definately a good meme. I've done mine.

  • At 7:22 PM, Blogger Dr.John said…

    After that meme your husband ought to appreciate you.

  • At 7:56 PM, Blogger doctor chip said…

    got shtein?

    nice post!

    as for the $400.00, you could give it to charity in their name(s) if you really feel bad.

    BTW, I've done that a few times myself.



  • At 10:25 PM, Blogger Voegtli said…

    Hello. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I have bookmarked yours, it made me smile, grin and laugh. Have a nice day.

  • At 10:37 PM, Blogger -atomik kitten said…

    Happy anniversary!!

  • At 7:16 AM, Blogger Carlos said…

    I think the work you do is very admirable. As for the money….How does that old saying go? If you love your job it isn’t work? Something like that. Anyway…you’re one of the very few that love their jobs. You’re a fortunate girl! To get a little $ for doing it is just icing on the cake. No need to feel guilty about taking the money.

  • At 7:18 AM, Blogger Louisiana said…

    it is good that you are appreciated and compesated for the extra mile that you take every day and with such a smile and so much loving in that big heart of yours.

  • At 7:53 AM, Blogger foodiechickie said…

    That was mighty nice of you. Thank you.

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