Wednesday, July 26, 2006 |
13 Ways a Mouse Can Play |
Gon is out of town on business and Squirt and I miss him terribly already. However there are some good things to appreciate and enjoy while your Husband is out of town. Here are 13 Ways a Mouse Can Play:
1. A Big Bed all to yourself including HIS pillows. Not to mention the bed is free of body hair, dead skin cells and any leftover bouquet aftereffects from HIS midnight turkey sandwich craving.
2. The TV is yours again!
3. Food! Of course we always have food, but when HE is away you can go ahead and buy stuff that you wouldn't before. Especially the good stuff that you really don't want to share but have to because they are so delicious and HIS mouth is watering too. Sorta like Cheez-it's "Get your own box" except I prefer truffles, lobster tails and homemade cheesecake.
4. There is nobody to swipe your lighter. It is always where you last put it.
5. You can talk to your Mother or girlfriends on the phone for hours and not feel guilty.
6. There is no rushing around trying to get things done before HE comes home to make sure HE can see what you've done all day.
7. I can fart, loudly and enjoy the responses of the dog who happens to be sitting under my chair at the moment.
8. Morning coffee before Morning Sex. I love sex don't get me wrong, but it sure feels good to get up in the mornings and head straight for the coffee pot. Plus, I can enjoy flavored coffee this week, since HE doesn't care for them.
9. I realized that I feel relaxed because when HE is home, I love him so much that I'm always looking for ways to serve him, please him and make him feel loved. Now that he is gone, I can be a bit selfish with my time.
10. I don't have to be home at any specific time just because HE will be home for dinner.
11. I can snatch all of his coffee tins full of pocket change by his side of the bed and cash them in and buy cool stuff for myself!!
12. I can take his Mustang Convertible downtown for a spin with the top down. Just to boost my ego and see how many guys take interest and whistle at that Hot Blond in that sexy convertible. Absolute freedom to alleviate my own personal mid-life crises.
13. Finally, for the most delightful aspect of HIM being away.... the toilet seat is never left up!
Have a Great Thursday!
Stumble It!
.......posted by Margaret @ 10:22 PM   |
Good list..haha My TT is up
Love the list LOL. My husband is away a lot (works as a trucker) and the bathroom is a lot cleaner now that he isn't around! And I never have to worry that I'm going to sit IN the toilet in the middle of the night because the seat can always stay DOWN.
Um... did I press the right button?
# 7 ... PERFECT!
Great list!
Mine is up, too.
LOL Nice list!
Happy Thursday :)
Oh, I can so relate to this one... as dh is in Minnesota for his 3rd conference of the summer. We had scrambled eggs for dinner... (at 8:30)... it is so wonderful to eat cereal or whatever we want that you can't do when he is home, cuz you have to make that full meal so he isn't hungry!!!
Happy TT!!!
LOL! Awesome, just awesome!
for #1, why is his side of the bed or his pillow always more comfy? there's just no good husband has been deployed for many months and still his side is more comfy. lol
i've posted 13 too at my new blog
I have never understood why the toilet seat can't be put back down. How hard is that?
Excellent T13.
My hubby does put the seat down, but never puts his clothes in the hamper.
There's a trade off for everything!
Great list, I totally agree with #6, rushing around before HE gets home to show you've done something all day (as opposed, to say, sitting at the computer and blog-surfing all day!). Also love that I can have flavored coffee, my DH won't touch it. :) Loved your list!
Have a great day, my T13 is up too...
LOL! Great list... I am with you on many of them... Of course also add three kids to the mix for me!
Agree with you on your list! The more spacious bed, the TV, the food! Great list!
LOL @ #7!
I'm sure my wife is glad when i'm not around either. :P Of course, she's gone most of the time as opposed to me!
Nice list. :)
Here's my thought on the whole toilet seat issue. EVERYONE uses the seat down, but not everyone uses the seat up. So, men, put the seat down when you are done!
I'm not married, but I can still say enjoy your time! :)I hope you have fun! :)
These are good. He'll be back soon and it will back to the same ole' same ole'. My TT is finally up. I totally forgot today was Thursday.
I had to smile at your list. :)
My TT is up, although a little late.-
All I can say is "AMEN SISTER" :) Good list!! I enjoyed it almost as much as I enjoy when MY husband is out of town LOLOLOL
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Good list..haha
My TT is up