Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Paper Trail
To all of the people who laughed at me at the Diamond Causeway Kroger Market this afternoon, please let me explain!!!

We have a very creative 3 year old daughter at home who felt it was absolutely necessary for everyone to have a 'tail' this morning. She had assigned a strip of toilet paper about 5 sheets long to all of us and insisted that we tuck it in the waistbands of our jeans. (Never mind the fact we had to dance around like fairies for 10 minutes so our 'tails' would fly in the wind behind us.)

I honestly forgot it was there!
Stumble It! .......posted by Margaret @ 3:30 PM  
  • At 5:52 PM, Blogger Diane Viere said…

    Oh my goodness! I'm laughing out loud, alone in my den!!!!! That would be LOL!

    Seriously--ROFL....just re-thinking about it! You are such a good mom!

    :) Diane

  • At 10:55 PM, Blogger Margaret said…

    It was terrible, someone finally said something as I was at the check out. Then it hit me why so many people were smiling at me in the store. I thought they were just being polite. Then there were those "boys" over in the frozen food section snickering. I thought they were just being rude. That's okay - I'll get her back someday. I'm sure I'll hear, "Oh Mom! You are so embarrassing!" in a few more years. LOL!

  • At 11:23 PM, Blogger Mike said…

    I once wore one of my daughter's pink hair clips through the entire day. I had my hands full and clipped it on so that I would not lose it when fixing her hair. I damn near tore the house apart looking for the lost clip.

    The clip stayed there even through a meeting with the Big Boss.

    And not one person told me. I found it when I was washing my hair that night.

    At least it wasn't one of the yellow sparkly ones. Because that would have totally clashed with my outfit.

  • At 9:25 AM, Blogger Margaret said…

    (laughing) I can see that happening!

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