Wednesday, October 31, 2007 |
Holy Sh*t! What NOT to be for Halloween |
It's Halloween and I've come across plenty of little goblins first thing this morning while taking Squirt to Pre-school for her Fall Festival Party today. She has been wanting to be "Hello Kitty" for weeks now and with a little imagination I think we pulled it off. I'll share some photos of her Halloween after her party this weekend.
All of the kids were adorable but none were frightening. When it comes to scary. When it comes to being frightfully mentally twisted. When it comes down to downright wrong and sick - it is the Adults this year that don't deserve any candy.
Perhaps we should TP this Holy Sh*t of an atrocity?
It's your birthday. It's your birthday. It's your birthday. Now this guy's costume actually raptured and awoke dead people, 6ft in the ground to head off running towards the hills.
Blow Me? Yeah, buddy we know what you're all about with your pillowcase full of candy. Pervert!
Now this costume is downright dangerous to wear here in Savannah, GA. For we actually have cockroaches this size scurrying about called Palmetto bugs. Someone get me a size 13 shoe, quick!
Ahhhh, now here's my man. Well sort of, except Gon doesn't have to saddle up anything to show me he is hung like a horse. In comparison this trick or treater looks more like "My Little Pony."
Overall, if you're going out dressed up for Halloween this year - be very careful on how you may scare folks. Especially the little kiddies. If you don't - sh*t will hit the fan.
Happy Halloween!Labels: Holiday |
Stumble It!
.......posted by Margaret @ 11:41 AM   |
Look like some of the costumes we might see at the Fly Inn tonight in Pigeon Falls.
OH, MY.....
holy shnikies, the "Blow-Me Guy" should get a freakin' medal or something, ya know it?
now, THAT'S what I call, "Gettin' in the Spirit of Things"!
just goes to show ya...
you can lead a horse to a Palmetto Bug, but if he's cross on his birthday,the Shit's gonna hit the fan, even BEFORE you buy him a drink, and that blows.
oh, my, indeed...
Interesting costumes. I think the Holy Shit costume is the funniest/most creative.
No Penis and Vagina costume pairs?
Just a quick note to let you know you won the drawing at the Fortress today.
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Look like some of the costumes we might see at the Fly Inn tonight in Pigeon Falls.