Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Little Miss Muffet
Mommy bought me this pretty Bug Collector Kit after becoming increasingly upset over me bringing bugs into the house and setting them free. It is quite a nifty little contraption if I say so myself. It comes complete with a pair of tweezers, net, magnifying glass and a vented see-through container.

Yesterday, while busy on a backyard expedition collecting fuzzy caterpillars, butterflies and lizards - Mommy comes to the back door to announce that a package had come in the mail for me.

Hey! How does Grandma and PopPop know my secret? That being, that little Princesses sometimes like to explore and catch bugs.

Now there is only one little itty bitty problem. Mommy set this rule you see, that I can't keep any bugs bigger than a quarter. First of all, they would be too big for my little collector kit right here. Secondly, any insects bigger than this cause Mommy to jump on the counter-tops and scream for Daddy to kill them.

So being elated and very happy, I just had to sit.
Sit I did, and looked into my Kit -
Only to throw a terrible fit.

Seems all that hard work and all that hard play,
the majority, mind you - of my entire day,
Was fruitless for somehow my bugs got away!

But as I sulked on my tuffet,
Little Miss Muffet -
sat beside me as if to say:

"Don't worry my Dear.
You have nothing to fear.
For I'm too big to be frightened away ."

"Let's Play!"

(Thank you Grandma and Pop Pop!)
Stumble It! .......posted by Margaret @ 4:51 PM  
  • At 7:24 PM, Blogger -atomik kitten said…

    That's my kind of bug...right there.

  • At 5:39 AM, Blogger Carlos said…

    What a cute photo essay! Your daughter is an angel

  • At 3:07 AM, Blogger Deepak Gopi said…

    A SWEET TEDDY BEAR FOR A SWEET FRIEND.pls pass on to your beautiful little daughter

  • At 8:28 AM, Blogger Rowan Dawn said…

    aww cute!!

  • At 9:15 AM, Blogger Me said…

    She is so very cute!

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