Saturday, February 24, 2007 |
Keyword Kaos: "Smell Check" |
Surprisingly, my keyword searches over this past week were quite tame. Nobody is searching to see if Hawaiian Punch has been tainted with swine fluids and all is quiet concerning ancient Egyptian Kings who may have smoked Marijuana.
Out there somewhere is a wife who is concerned after catching her husband sniffing her panties, but that isn't much of a big deal.
I sniff laundry all of the time because I have a husband and daughter who ransack through their closets and drawers trying to find out what they want to wear each morning. Leaving a pile of unfolded, rumpled clean clothing on the floor. Since soiled clothing never seems to make it's way to the hamper and I refuse to rewash clothing that is clean, the sniff test is an appropriate time saving technique for a Wife or Mother. Perhaps even a modern Husband or Father that is burdened with dreaded laundry duties.
There were an extraordinary number of searches this week for those who are having issues with their mother.
- how to run away from your mom - what to do if you are 9 & your mom wants you to watch cinderella 3 - when your mother didn't love you - mother doesn't love me - what you gonna do when your mom hates you - what to do if your mom hates you - what do you do when your all grown up and you know your mom doesnt love you - what do you do when your teenager refuses to come home - how to drive moms crazy - mother squeezing my pimple
This makes me feel sad and honestly, having relationship issues with your Mother is something that I cannot understand. I only know what it is like to be a daughter who has serious relationship issues with her Dad.
My Mother was and still is extraordinary as she displayed huge amounts of love, patience and understanding. She deserves so much praise and credit for who I am and perhaps even the fact that I am even alive today.
Unlike Dad, Mom rarely spanked me and when she did there was no reason to be angry at her afterward. I full on deserved it by breaking not only a rule of the household, but a rule that caused her to worry herself sick about me. I could also trust her and bring any problem to her knowing she wouldn't go running to Dad over every little thing, especially those personal things.
Mom wasn't totally perfect, there were many things that she was a bit "spacey" about and many other matters that she hadn't a clue over. She was very prudish and old fashioned which caused us to disagree on how I was dressed and who I was dating many times. However, looking back now, even with her little imperfections she still is the model Mom that I've been hoping to measure up to.
So for those who are finding my blog after Googling questions about strained relationships with their Moms, I'm sorry and wish you the best. My only advice would simply be to pray for your Mothers. It can't hurt for sometimes there are things that only Mom and God know about and need to fix and work out together. Could be anything from a bad past, addictions, heartaches or fears that adults need to come to terms with. It isn't always a child's place to make them face these issues - but a good sincere prayer will help your spirit and the spirit shared between your Mother and you.Labels: Keyword Kaos |
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.......posted by Margaret @ 1:34 PM   |
those are rather sad searches.
Every time I read one of these I want to go and see what theya re searching for on my blog. But then I forget. Its the price of growing old.
Miz Margie, we do have a lot in common. I see the part of you from where your compassion, honesty, and patience flow; the heart of your life's experiences. We can be asses in our lives and blame others; or we can be responsible and bear our part in the situation. We do not change other people, only our attitudes toward them. If you have only one friend in the world, let it be honesty within and to yourself. I loved and hated my parents with good reason, but I made the situation worse by being an ass myself some of the time. I have lost both of them and I would give just about anything to have them in my life again, minus a few bad habits, of course. Keep up the good work and lay it on the line for us, but save the really personal things within yourself. It is not good to bear your soul to all, and to throw your pearls before swine, those of which we have many in this wide world. They are just waiting to pounce and exploit as the resident "troll" on our SMN blog site.
Love ya, GA Peach
Margaret, the Google searches are sad, but the whole concept is really fun - to see what the internet would "answer back." I do it sometimes, google things that come to my mind.
BTW Thanks for the Narnia tip!
hugs, Ela
I forgot - how do you find out what search strings people used to find your blog?
I am tagging you to participate in something rather to protect your children on the internet.
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those are rather sad searches.