Thursday, October 19, 2006 |
Needy not Greedy! |
Mellie is always finding the coolest memes! Here is how this one works:
You go over to Google and type in your first name and then the word "needs" and run a search. Then report 10 sentences that start with "Blank needs" right here on your blog post. Sounds simple so here goes....
1) "Margie needs to remember that to get rid of the fearful temper she needs to get rid of her self blame--the judgment that she is wrong."
Sure, go ahead Google and go right for the jugular and accuse me of having a depression disorder.
2) "Margie needs obit."
Who me? No way, why? What happens to me? I guess I better get busy typing what I would like my obituary to say.
3) "Margie Needs A Break."
Yeah! You can say that again.
4) "Margie needs a job."
Hey! What happened to the aforementioned break that I needed?
5) "Margie needs to lose about 10-15 lbs."
Google just HAD to go there, didn't they.
6) "Margie needs a good exercise routine to help her lose some weight and improve her stamina."
...and go here as well!
7) "Margie needs donations for a van to give her some freedom to get outside."
No! I only have 1 kid and no need for a mini-van. However, donations for one of those new 2007 Ford Mustang Shelby's would be 'da bomb!
8) "I don't think Margie needs to be saved."
Well, Margie sure isn't a saint. I can promise you that. This would better read, "Margie needs Jesus" if anything.
9) "My Little Margie (needs a punch in the mouth)"
Yeah, well... that goes without saying.
10) "Margie needs to get call waiting or something"
ROTFL!! I know of a few peeps who say this so often that I had to go see if someone was really talking about me. I have issues with call waiting, because I feel it is ignorant to put someone on hold because someone else is calling. Wait your turn!! If an emergency do one of those old fashioned emergency breakthrough jobs.
Just for S&G's I ran a Google Image search for "Margie needs" and the photo at the top of this post is what they came up with. Along with a caption that reads:
"After a long hot drive, Margie needs a drink of pure Hershies Chocklate!!!"
Yeah Baby!!
I guess I could tag some peeps now that Dr. John is unfizzled but instead I offer a DARE to my Bloggy Peeps to try out this cool meme. Let me know if you do! |
Stumble It!
.......posted by Margaret @ 12:32 PM   |
Pure chocolate? that's disgusting...
Oh my! You had waaaaaay greater success than I did! When I put my son's name in, one of the first ones said "Derek needs a woman!" LOL! He's 17 -- I think he'd agree with that statement!
Yes, there are several Curves here in Savannah. I go to the one in Savannah Mall and have been going for about 18 months now. I love it plus the people are so friendly. If you need to loose some weight why not try them out. I know that Kim at ours would love to have you there!! Just tell them at Sandy sent you. Thanks for stopping by my site today...Sandy
That is truly an inventive 13!! Lisa NEEDS to get her creativity back! :)
Thanks for coming by Snarkypants and wishing me happy birthday! :)
Happy weekend!
That's funny. I've seen that before, but never posted it. Since I just posted last night (BWI), I'll wait until we get back from Austin!
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Pure chocolate? that's disgusting...