Saturday, November 25, 2006 |
Black Friday vs. Yellow Snowman |
Sorry for not blogging yesterday, I was quite busy being it was Black Friday and all. You know, the notorious day of the year that comes after Thanksgiving when retailers officially begin their Holiday sale seasons. When the Walmart parking lot is packed full at 4:45 am in the morning in hopes to land some early bird savings. Providing they safely can make it into the store and the section where the coveted sale product is shelved.
Not me! That kind of mad shopping just isn't my style. Sure, part of the reason is because I'm short on cash this year but even if I was a millionaire you wouldn't find me anywhere near a retail store on Black Friday in the midst of such chaos. Instead, yesterday morning Katie-bug and I spread out the sale flyers of a few popular stores all over our kitchen table and opened up our own Santa's workshop.
 We made our Christmas gifts this year and poured lots of love and detail into them. Anyone with a Christmas Tree can use a few extra ornaments. Styrofoam silk thread colored balls hold no sentimental value, glass balls break and store bought decorations are delightful and serve a purpose but are lacking in love and originality. Where else in the whole entire world can you purchase a Yellow Snowman ornament crafted by a 4-year-old little girl?
 Now this is what Christmas memories are made of. A very special Yellow Snowman who will always be front and center upon my Christmas tree for decades to come. |
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.......posted by Margaret @ 10:21 AM   |
I don't know how people can do all that Black Friday stuff.
Why is it called Black Friday?
We stayed home on Friday as well. It was time to spend with family. I think you had a great idea. I think we still have a few ornaments my kids made when they were little.
Making ornaments is a good idea. We have a bunch of homemade ornaments that go on the tree each year..
Woozie: Me either, standing in long checkout and waiting lines plus parking miles out into the parking lots just isn't my kind of thing.
Scaramouche: In America the Friday after Thanksgiving is deemed Black Friday. I'll have to look up the origins of this day - but basically Santa starts showing up at the malls and big Department stores and it kicks off the big holiday shopping season.
Dr. John: I believe my mom still has a Turkey ornament that I made once. I was stuck over the Thanksgiving thing and thought a Turkey deserved to be on the tree too.
Happy and Blue: They are the best!
The origin of Black Friday comes from the shift to profitability during the holiday season. Black Friday was when retailers went from being unprofitable, or "in the red," to being profitable, or "in the black", at a time when accounting records were kept by hand and red indicated loss and black profit.
I was going to comment on how I didn't understand the concept of Black Friday, until I read the comments. Thanks for the info.
We don't have anything like Black Friday in Australia.
That is awesome! I used to do all sorts of things like that with the kids when they were small --- and yep! HALF the ornaments on my tree are ones that the kids made years and years ... and YEARS ago! They are treasures, for sure!
Handmade ornaments are the best! I still have the goofy ornaments my kids made in elementary school, and I love them. I actually succumbed (is that how it's spelled?) to Black Friday this year. I should have known better! In fact I think I'll make a blog entry about it.
I am sorry but if you get sucked into the black friday sillyness, you have issues!
hand made with love is worth much more than anything tree holds 5 times many yrs of ornaments..i love them..i love her yellow snowman. she is so sweet.
We went shopping...and it wasn't actually as busy as I thought it would be and we got some pretty good discounts! :) blog is now hosted at blogger...please stop by and say hello!
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I don't know how people can do all that Black Friday stuff.