What took so long for the fresh start to happen? -All group owners had to be in agreement to hit the "delete key" and reset the group. The group owners disagreed over a variety of different issues.
Why was the chaos permitted to continue for so long? - Many of the groups owners were AWOL due to family/work responsibilities. Active owners and past owner (me) were in disagreement over what needed or didn't need doing.
I was attacked in a variety of different angles, not all on your behalf. My Inbox was attacked after I had already resigned as owner on the Topica group listserv. I contacted WHO@ and they told me to change my email address and ignore the attacks - and the attacker would eventually tire and go away. In other words, they were telling me to do nothing and to let "evil triumph" in this matter.
Obviously I disagreed with them. I don't believe in putting bandaids on broken ankles. If I'm going to put my time, effort and emotion into something - then I was going to go full-frontal with this. Clean sweeping all the way back to what caused the fall that broke the ankle in the first place.
Truth - if I weren't attacked or if I had listened to the advice of WHO@ - ALL of the wounds would still be left wide open and the hurts would not be able to begin healing. On the groups behalf, on your behalf - and I would have failed as a human being by not facing responsibilities and holding accounts for my own failures.